Dear Supporter,
Commitments to protect Moore Park
The SCG Trust is making big plans for new offices for the Trust and its commercial partners as well as members’ sports and leisure facilities, including four tennis courts and a 50 metre swimming pool. The only location within the SCG footprint which will accommodate all this is the members car park. This raises the question of where car parking will be moved to?
The SCG Trust has often cast its acquisitive eyes on Moore Park, and so we believe it may be looking to take over Moore Park East as a permanent car park – if indeed it doesn’t intend taking over the park for the above facilities!
With one eye on the March election, we’ve therefore written to the Premier and Leader of the Opposition seeking assurances that
No part of Moore Park will be given over to permanent car parking for the benefit of members and visitors to the SCG and SFS and the new facilities.
Current plans of the Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust to begin removing event parking from the Park in 2019 will be permitted to continue.
Any new building proposed by the SCG Trust will be subject to the same DA and EIS requirements as the redeveloped SFS.
2% of the cost of the new stadium ($15 million) will be allocated for the remediation of Moore Park after many years of neglect.
Our letters are here (Open letter to the Premier and Open letter to Leader of the Opposition).We’ll pass on to you their responses.
Alexandria to Moore Park connectivity upgrade
On 5 June 2018 we wrote to the Minister for Roads expressing concern about the potential impact of the above on Moore Park and its trees and posing several important questions. It took six months for the Minister to respond, and when she did, she largely ignored our questions. Our letter is here and the Minister’s response of 17 December is here.
RMS looks to be keeping its head down on this project ahead of the election, but once this is out of the way, we expect RMS will look to drive this project forward whoever is in Government and irrespective of community concerns.
Survey about our priorities
As demolition of the Sydney Football Stadium begins and we head towards the March election, Saving Moore Park would like your help in focusing our priorities. Please take a moment to complete a quick three question survey about what you think are the key issues facing Moore Park.
We’d love you to share this survey with anyone you think may be interested. Please forward it and encourage them to register their support on our homepage here. After all, Moore Park belongs to us all.
Thank you.
Michael Waterhouse
10 January 2019