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Moore Park Swans

Dear Supporter,

Moore Park Issues

White Paper - Parklands for People

Comments on the White Paper on the future of Sydney’s parklands have been sought by Monday 12 July. We’ve made a submission, which you can see here. We support the Government’s vision to increase the amount of parkland so that Greater Sydney evolves as a city within a park. However, we have misgivings about several aspects of the White Paper which we feel will jeopardise progress in attaining this vision and impair the effectiveness of local engagement:

• The degree of centralisation envisaged;
• The way it is proposed to achieve engagement with local communities; and
• Commercialisation of the parklands and associated business hubs.

We propose a modified Model for Greater Sydney Parklands, one which preserves the central role of GSP Board and Management but allows for greater decentralisation in the management of day-to-day park operations and more effective engagement with local communities. We also set out a number of principles which we believe should govern commercialisation as it relates both to green space and business hubs.

Meeting with Suellen Fitzgerald, Chief Executive of Greater Sydney Parklands

We recently had a wide-ranging and productive discussion with Suellen on Moore Park issues - the first of what are intended to be quarterly meetings. You can see a report here on what we discussed, some information we’ve received since the meeting and our reflections on some of the many issues. These include:

  1. Car parking on the grass in Moore Park 

  2. Revitalisation of Moore Park North

  3. Use of the name “Moore Park” and more activities to encourage community use

  4. Moore Park Golf Course

  5. Tree plantings

  6. Park Maintenance

  7. Locked gates on Tramway Oval (aka the Swans Training Field)

  8. Bat and Ball Field – new facilities proposed

  9. Amenities block in Moore Park North – hours of opening

  10. Strategic asset renewal and upgrades

  11. Toll House – restored but not in use

This has been NAIDOC week, the theme of which has been ‘Heal Country’. We very much support this theme and the need to protect the land around us for the benefit of this and future generations. In our own small way we’re endeavouring to do this.

Michael Waterhouse

11 July 2021

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